WHITE MOUNTAIN REPEATER ASSOCIATION USERS OF WMRA All users of Digital modes are welcomed into the System. Please check your microphone levels before you connect to the system. Please maintain a 3-second delay between transmissions so that others stations can get into the system and the conversation. This also allows all the various links to drop. There is a automated delay in all aspects of the Digital modes. Please try and follow the 3-minute rule. LET IT DROP all the way wait 3 seconds. All aspects of basic amateur radio guidelines and protocol should be followed at all times. This entire system is a RF based PLEASE ID WITH YOUR CALL SIGN EVERY 10 MINUTES 47 CFR § 97.119 - Station identification This is a zero-tolerance policy of the system. NO TALKING ABOUT POLITICS OR RELIGION ON THIS SYSTEM. CONNECTING TO DIGITAL MODES IAX-RPT, DMR, BRANDMEISTER, YSF, P25, NXDN AND D-STAR I have tried my best to reduce all of the noises from digital, Please don't complain about a noise you can hear on the system. If you are using RF for that mode most likely you won't hear these noises. But if you are on app like droid star and dvswitch mobile. You will probably hear these noises |